Lesbians continue to face discrimination throughout society.
Therefore, we, the undersigned, declare that:
- Lesbians are women who are attracted to and love other women. They are female homosexuals which means they are same-sex attracted.
- Men cannot be lesbians because men cannot be women and boys cannot be girls.
- Many tomboys will grow up to be lesbian. Rejecting femininity is a common lesbian choice; it does not mean that girls or women are trying to be, or are, male.
- Lesbians have the right to create and maintain their own spaces, free from male interference, for social, cultural, educational, and political activities.
- Lesbians have the right to discuss matters which affect them without being abused, harassed or intimidated.
- Lesbians have the right to exist as an independent group and not be teamed with any other group with different needs.
Support lesbians, NOT lesbian erasure.
Founding Signatories:
Annaig Birdy
Bev Jackson
Carol Angharad
Catrin Slade
Clare Curran
Dee McCullough
Denise McKenna
Di Winn
Elaine Hutton
Frankie Last
Freya MacKenzie
Gabriella Gallagher
Janey Hutton
Jo Campbell
Jude English
Kate Harris
Kerry Kirkwood
Lynne Harne
Paula Boulton
Rose Reeve
Sally Wainwright
Sandra McNeil
Sharon Miller
Ty Miller
Unao O’Mahony
Val Stein
Vivien Pointon
Geek Practique
Green Lesbians
Lancashire Lesbians
Lesbian Fightback
Lesbian Labour
Lesbian Rights Alliance
Lesbian Strength
Literally Dyke
LGBA Cymru
Northern RadFem Network
Radicailin Ireland
The Lesbian Project
Signatures to the Lesbian Fightback Declaration
(Signatures are updated daily at midnight)
Add your name to the Lesbian Fightback Declaration
Signatories Comments:
“As a Lesbian, I know how important it is for us to say that men cannot be lesbians. No lesbian has a penis.”
Di Winn
“Lesbians are taking their stuff back, one petition attempt at a time. No lesbian EVER has a penis. Men cannot be lesbians. That. Is. All.”
Ceri Dyke
“I’m a lesbian fed up with males calling themselves lesbians & being lauded & applauded by their spineless or anti-lesbian virtue signalling allies.”
Dr Vole
“lesbians are everywhere and have always been around. You cannot erase us and you shall not attempt to do so unchallenged.”
Literally Dyke
“It is absolute madness that us lesbians have to say any of this out loud, yet here we are. I support Lesbian Fightback an their action in making this declaration and starting this petition”
Andrea Carre
“As an elderly lesbian I am seeing an increase in overt lesbophobia. Young women are being denied the experience of exclusively female groups and spaces, they are also being pressured to include men who claim to “identify” as lesbians.”
Maria Frawley
“We are facing lesbiphobia. All lesbian nights include men. Many who take the opportunity to intimidate or gaslight us with gender ideology if we refuse advances. We are a sexuality and gender is built on stereotypes and insulting. We are called names and attacked for defending our rights and spaces. Enough!”
Deirdre Johnston
“Lesbians are being ignored and erased. I stand with my lesbian sisters.”
Marjory Smith
“It’s revolting that heterosexual male perverts, fetishists, chancers and predators are currently elevated as part of a sacred caste and lesbians are under attack on all fronts by this evil ideology. Nobody is trans. The whole concept is a pile of stinking excrement.”
Nina Hilton
“Lesbians are not a costume or a kink. They are women who love women.”
Judi W
“Gender ideology is infiltrating every part of society and the public is being groomed to think it’s all part of “tolerance” and “inclusion”. In fact it’s homophobic and misogynistic, and young lesbians are being groomed & pressurised into believing they must provide s*x**l services to men who claim to be women. Nobody asked us when they grafted TQIA++ on to the LGB. Leave lesbians alone. Only women (same s*x attracted) are lesbians.”
Liane Timmermann
“Transactivism erases Lesbians. No man can be a lesbian! A site note ” girls are not tomboys they are girls ” there is not such a think of a tom or a boy in a girl just saying …”
Karen Simpson
“Because bio males cannot be lesbians and lesbians or women. No one can change their sex and we’re sick of this shit.”
Helen Keenan
“A lesbian is a same sex attracted female. Males cannot be lesbians. Facts matter.”
Laura Harmon
“as a Woman I believe that biological males can not be Women, they are Transwomen, and as Males they can not be Lesbians.”
Nina Tryggvason
“men claim all women are bisexual then that he is a lesbian all the time to sexually harass lesbians gender ideology renders lesbians a hate crime, when we have been and are illegal for not catering to men’s sexual self image there is nothing that men feel that is what lesbians are men are never women and cotton ceiling ended pride”
Rachael Grange
“I’m tired of being called queer or LGBTQIA+ I don’t want men with autogynaephilia demanding a right to my sexuality or to lesbian spaces”
Ruth Jotdan
“I am a lesbian. A man, no matter what he labels himself, or what he does to alter his appearance, cannot be a woman and therefore will never be a lesbian.”
Christine Joyce
“Increasingly lesbians are being made invisible and pushed out of existence due to trans ideology! Sex is sex gender is whatever you choose it to be!”
Kendra Morrigan
“I am a woman first (XX) and a lesbian second because I am sexually attracted to women who were also born women. We are a real demographic and have a right to our own space without bullying, pressure or name calling by others, especially men (XY) who “identify “ as women.”
Amy Falvey
“Lesbians are biological women ONLY not men. As a lesbian I will not sleep with men/transwomen”
Sharon M
“I am a proud lesbian. A woman exclusively attracted to other women. I am sick of being silenced and attacked for my same sex attraction.”
Rebecca Donicht
“Many of my dear friends are lesbians and I cherish their friendship. I am signing this petition for their sake.”
Kate Howard
“As lesbians our sexuality is valid. We are same sex attracted women . Our attraction has nothing to do with gender”
Suzanne Padden
“I was that Tom boy. Had I been born today I would have believed I could have been that boy and transitioned. There is nothing wrong with being different. Stop abusing the gay kids.”
Kristi Shrittwiesr
“Because I am a lesbian I have had my life altered because of the queer lgbtqia movement. I get hit on by trans woman on dating apps I could go on and on.”
Michael Dudley
“This is an important element of the broader issue of women’s rights, which are under attack from gender identity ideology.”
Helen Rogers
“Only women can be lesbians. Claiming males can be lesbians is abhorrent homophobia. Lesbians must have the right to define themselves and organise as same-sex attracted women.”
Frankie Hill
“I fought for gay and lesbian rights when I was young. I never thought I would see a time when some in the LGB would support heterosexual men calling themselves lesbians and call those of us who objected bigots. And what is happening to young women who may very well be lesbians horrifies me.”
Jane Mifflin
“The whole gender ideology and trans rights activism is just misogyny dressed up in a different guise.”
Jo Smith
“I’m a lesbian. An adult human female exclusively attracted to other adult human females.”
Jude Brew English
“I’ve been unlawfully sacked from the Green Party of England and Wales for the ‘ crime ‘ of daring to be a lesbian and standing up for my rights and for the rights of women.”
Catherine Dyson
“I Can’t quite believe the amount of Lesphobia embodied and propogated By organisations that should be advocating for lesbians (such as Stonewall and pride) And how it appears to have completely saturated our public bodies”
Jude McGill
“Lesbian rights are under attack and women need to support each other. Lesbians are same sex attracted women! Men CANNOT be lesbians.”
Janet Hall
“I’m totally opposed to a movement which is fast creating no-go areas for women (adult human females) and reversing years of hard won progress.”
Darren Johnson
“To protect women’s rights, to protect women’s spaces, to show solidarity with my lesbian sisters”
Daniel Graf
“I’m a gay man and I believe same-sex attracted people have a right to single sex spaces.”
Diane Cartwright
“Lesbians don’t have penises. Lesbians don’t want penises anywhere near them.”
Freda Davis
“I agree that lesbians are same sex attracted women. There is a very misogynistic attack on women which strongly interferes with lesbian rights and safety. Young lesbians are being lied to and gaslighted by the gender identity myth”
Pixie Taylor
“I am a lesbian and have spent my entire adult life campaigning to ensure lesbians are treated fairly in society and now due to gender ideology politics our freedom and our right to exist and meet as lesbian women is being seriously eroded. Young women are even being coerced into believing males can be lesbian. Which is an oxymoron as lesbian means same sex attracted . Lesbians do not have penises. We have a right to self determination and to decide who we have in our spaces.”
Susan Green
“Lesbian rights are women’s rights are human rights. Men have no right to appropriate these rights.”
Sheila Roderick
“Though I’m not a lesbian, I fully support the desire to be part of a single sex group, free from harassment.”
Teresa Durso
“All females need our Rights and it is crazy we are being sanctioned & erased these.days!”
Diana Woolhouse
“I was a tomboy who would have transitioned if I had been exposed to all the seductive messaging of the trans cult. I AM A LESBIAN.”
Margaret Elliot
“I’m a lesbian and I agree with everything in this declaration.”
Catherine Karena
“Correct, no human right is kegit that destroys the rigbts if wimen, same sex attracted and parents.”
A Bobsin
“I am more than fed up by the attempt of male ideologes to erase us. We will not let it happen! We are HERE, we are VISIBLE and we are FIGHTING for our language, our spaces, our lives!”
Terry Farrah
“the denial of the sex binary and the relevance of sex is regressive”
Aryalila Jones
“Any group of women should be free to exercise their human right of assembly. This includes lesbians, who have the right to meet as lesbians, and to exclude all natal males from their meetings.”
Heli St Luce
“The list is an accurate representation of the crap lesbians have been enduring because of the forced teaming with the TQ+”
Joanna Young
“Lesbian women have a right to their own spaces free from males however they identify themselves.”
Caroline Meagher
“I’m horrified at the erasure of lesbians as trans identifying men call themselves lesbians and colonise formerly sex segregated groups. Also young women who might previously have identified as lesbian are being persuaded that they are actually trans men. Soon there will be no actual lesbians left.”
Amanda Pearson
“We need to be heard. Same sex attracted. Women don’t have willies. Men cannot be lesbians.”
Lesley Dike
“This is really important. Lesbians are currently under fire and we must take a stand. Well done!”
E Evans
“Lesbians need protection from men who claim to be lesbians. They need their own words to describe themselves so they can be defended.”
Kate Williams
“Lesbian womens right to define themselves in terms of same sex (not same ‘gender’) attraction must not be disregarded”
J Hinds
“I support Lesbians. Lesbians are women who are same-sex attracted. Lesbian Women have the right to freedom of association, and to their own spaces, free from male interference, for social, cultural, educational, and political activities.”
Geek Practique
“As Geek Practique we are proud to support this fightback against lesbian erasure. As a company that is lesbian-led, it is an honour to back this much needed initiative. In dykehood and solidarity.”